Coastal Training Program - Jacques Cousteau NERR & Barnegat Bay Partnership

Risk Communication

Ways to communicate and educate

undefinedCommunication, education, and engagement can come in any form you think is possible. This includes typical printed brochures and flyers, websites, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and even partnering with local media for stories. Your community also may be able to develop study groups at libraries and senior centers, incorporate lessons into local schools at all grade levels, partner with community groups, and even create a series of listening sessions, workshops, or other formal and informal spaces where dialogs can be held. The important thing is to engage your community, let your residents talk and listen, and feel empowered that they can participate in a meaningful way.

Types of formal public engagement

Formal public engagement is when you interact with residents and other interested parties in order to solicit information from them and inform official decision-making. This could be anywhere from workshops that are held to present information or public meetings that are part of a formal approval process. All communities use formal engagement processes as part of local planning efforts because the state and federal government generally require some form of soliciting comments from the public prior to approval.

Types of informal public engagement

undefinedInformal public engagement can create a valuable educational dialog between residents, local officials, and others. This type of engagement can be done by local government, but also can be done by community groups. Information shared and lessons learned can, but are not required, to inform official decision-making. This type of engagement can involve community meetings, workshops, virtual discussions via social media and email, partnerships with local media to create a dialogue, activities at community events, or other strategies that result in all sides communicating openly with each other. Informal public engagement can be a very effective way to find the pulse of your community as well as for your community to have input in long-term planning efforts. Partnering with existing community groups or creating an informal committee of interested residents are two ways municipal governments can encourage conversations about resilience and long-term planning.

Plan for Success

The best communicators walk into a situation knowing what they want to say, how they will say it, and what they want their message to accomplish. When preparing for engagement or developing handouts or other materials, make sure you think through the following:

Next: Additional Reading


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